Monday, June 10, 2013


Hey, guys! So, these past few weeks have been super busy and I haven't gotten to post a lot of blog posts, and the next three weeks wont have many, so this week I'm going to post 1-2 daily! :D
 Anyway, so today I'm going to be telling you every book I've ever re-read, which isn't many. So let's get on with the books!
  The first book I ever re-read was Number the Stars by Lowis Lowry. The first time I read it I loved it, and I had to re-read it for school. The second time I read it I didn't like it as much, but it's still a really good book, so I recommend it if you like books about the Holocaust.
  The first time I read The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster was in school and I hated it. Then awhile later I picked it up again because I couldn't remember why I loathed it so much, and I ended up really loving it. It was really, really cute
I re-read The Red Pyramid by Rick Riordan because I bought the third book and couldn't remember what happened in the second one. So, since I loved The Red Pyramid so much, I decided to re-read this one as well. I re-read it, I loved it, and I never picked up the second one to re-read. Whoops.

 Then I had to re-read A Wrinkle in Time for school, and I thought it was okay. I really didn't like Meg or her family, and I really didn't like reading it for school again.
  So I re-read Pretty Little Liars because the 12th book was coming out and I thought that it was going to be the last book, so I re-read Pretty Little Liars. Sadly, the 12th book, Burned, was not the last book, and the 13th book, Crushed, just recently came out. Go figure.
  Then I was in a reading slump, so I re-read Dork Diaries #2. It was nothing special, just a fun, fast read.
  The next four books I re-read were classics. The first one was A Christmas Carol, which I re-read for school. And I absolutely loathed it. I hated it the first time, and I hated it the second time. But I'll probably re-read it again this December to try and get a "greater appreciation for it." Ugh, sometimes I don't like myself. (Mental note: DO NOT RE-READ THIS AGAIN!)
 Then I re-read  A Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare, because A: My friend wanted to read it, and B: it was short. And I really liked it, and it made me want to read more classics.
 Then I re-read Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. I loved it the first time I read it in fifth grade, so I wanted to see if I still loved it. I didn't love it as much the second time around, but it was still a really good classic.
 So then, if February, I was in the mood for some romance. Classic + Romance, I'm pretty sure you all know where this is going. I re-read, yes, the mother of all romance stories, Romeo and Juliet, and the same thing that happened with Alice's Adventures in Wonderland happened with this.
   In March, I re-read The Hunger Games. Enough said, really.
  And the last book I re-read in April was Chitty Chitty Bang Bang by Ian Flemming. I loved this book the first time I read it, and I needed a light read, so I picked this up and whizzed threw it.
 So those were all the books I have re-read so far in my life, and I plan on re-reading many more in the years to come.

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